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M. Kennamer

Successful Audit

One of the major responsibilities given to me when I was called in 2018 to manage the MNA Disaster Response Warehouse was to develop and maintain an inventory system that would let us know at any point what we have available to deploy to disaster sites. Each year, accounting staff from Mission to North America, along with an external auditor, visit the warehouse to examine the records and inventory to assure that we are carefully stewarding the resources contained within. This year, we had the special treat of having MNA Disaster Response Director Arklie Hooten and MNA DR Facilitator Sherry Lanier in town for the visit.

Mission to North America provides invaluable accounting services to MNA ministries and church planters, allowing us to focus on ministering to those in need. We thank God for their work and the care they take in administering the resources invested by God's people. Churches fund these services (and more) through the payment of MNA partnership shares (askings) each year, allowing MNA to provide these services without charging administrative fees to their missionaries/ministry organizations.

We are happy to report an audit with no adverse findings. To learn more about what we do at the warehouse, contact Mike Kennamer at

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